So there’s this get-together, and you’re agonizing over whether to attend. Maybe it’s a neighborhood block party and you think, “Do I really need to know all these people?” Or maybe it’s that office party, not top of your list … Continue reading
The occasion of a new year calls for reflection and projection. Newspapers call out favorite quotes from the year gone by and what they might mean for the upcoming year. I’ll do the same, not by quoting pundits and politicians, … Continue reading
Ah, the season is upon us, the shopping season, that is. Oh, I suppose the season has a reason, but judging by the Black Friday reports, TV ads and bumper-to-bumper traffic on College Avenue, it’s been drowned out by the … Continue reading
Mom, this letter comes through my column because many others have suffered your ordeal and can benefit from the discussion. You climbed behind the wheel of your PC 10 years ago and you’ve learned a lot. You now know that … Continue reading
My mind was racing this past Saturday, keeping pace with my bike as I made what might be my last two-wheeled trip into town without a jacket. Change is in the air, and not just with the weather. I’d been … Continue reading
You might dismiss the Tour de Fat as one brewer’s brilliant marketing with the good fortune to go viral like Anne Kilkenny’s up-close-and-personal exposé on Sarah Palin. Contrast the millions of dollars Anheuser-Busch pumps into sports sponsorship to “little” New … Continue reading
Greetings from multiple stops between Colorado and Lake Michigan. Vacationing by minivan, we’re experiencing firsthand the new meaning of highway robbery. Beyond the shock of $200 pumped in one day of cross-country cruising, I’ve witnessed a surprising consequence of fantastic … Continue reading
When I read Marilyn Musgrave’s June 12 Soapbox (“Fueling solutions to high prices”) in the Coloradoan, I imagined a scene. Uncle Sam, representing all Americans, straddles two chairs at the all-you-can-eat Energy Buffet. He’s gorging himself on hard-boiled Hemis, charbroiled … Continue reading
To come face-to-face with your community, hold a garage sale. We explained Saturday’s all-day project to our children as a fundraiser for our oldest daughter who hopes to scrape together enough for an educational trip overseas. But my wife and … Continue reading
Many of today’s challenges originate with our insatiable desire for more. More farmland for development, more horsepower, more healthcare, more oil, more lanes and, top of the news, more water. As I stop-and-go through another I-25 construction zone, ever-present since … Continue reading