This is the story of Homer Newcome the immigrant and how he achieved his dream of becoming a Colorado Native. Drawn by the mountains, the legendary lifestyle and Look Magazine’s designation of Colorado as “Best of the 48 States,” Homer … Continue reading
Just like commercials during the Super Bowl, I like election rhetoric as much as the “game” itself. The verbal onslaughts between the Musgrave and Paccione teams already foreshadow an edge-of-your-seat autumn. But in general, the Democrats are clear underdogs in … Continue reading
Fort Collins is going to be branded. The objective is to send a consistent message to the world beyond why Fort Collins is a fantastic destination. Some might consider this a silly exercise. Shouldn’t a great city sell itself? Do … Continue reading
While driving north on College Avenue on a recent Saturday, I spied the opposing armies as I approached Mulberry Street. On the right, the pro-war/pro-President Bush contingent waved American flags and signs reading “Support our troops.” On the left, the … Continue reading
With government spying on American citizens, deafening rhetoric blaming immigrants for every ill, talk of attacking Iran and the country facing $8.3 trillion in debt, sometimes it’s best to close your eyes, cover your ears, pinch your nose and take … Continue reading
Comments from a Denver high school teacher, plus reactions to those comments, have once again put Colorado in the spotlight. Sound bites from a recording of his world geography class agitated conservatives. “Case of the Commie Teacher,” wrote the New … Continue reading
Parents of kids in a Poudre R-1 school recently received their “School Accountability Report,” which purports to illuminate how well the school is educating our kids. I was eager to see the latest assessment of my kids’ school, hoping for … Continue reading
Can North College Avenue improve without sacrificing its local character? When I first heard of city plans to further develop North College, I thought great. I work in Old Town and drive north every evening from Vine to Willow, past … Continue reading
I chuckle sometimes at “no-brainer” legislation, bills put forth that no lawmaker in his or her right mind would oppose. No-brainer legislation is often symbolic, condemning a dastardly deed or praising heroism, often to allow politicians to trumpet the obvious … Continue reading