
Latest update about my publishing adventure (revised June 2014)

While not every aspect of this try-to-get-published adventure is pleasant, I’m learning a ton and am glad to be part of the process.

One never stops editing. My manuscript has been through many revisions, largely based on excellent inputs from my awesome critique group. Trimming is tough, but the book gets stronger. My latest trimming pass brought the book to just over 93,000 words. All meat, no fat.

I’m learning so much about genre. I originally considered my manuscript to be historical fiction because it took place 25 years ago. But the definition of the genre is hotly debated. Then, is it literary fiction? Is it commercial fiction? Actually neither. Huh?

I learned about New Adult fiction, an emerging genre. Not necessarily by design, but my book fits well. My protagonist starts the story at age 18, and ends the story at age 22. Instead of facing the challenges of a typical “young adult” — zits, dating and social identity — Chris Jamison must decide what to do with his life (and his dad) while facing big damn problems.

I am actively querying literary agents. Two agents have requested the full manuscript and I look forward to their reactions.

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