When I first heard of Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101, all of which will be on the ballot in November, I wondered what sentiments among a large number of Coloradans could lead to such shoot-yourself-in-the-foot ideas. If passed … Continue reading
I favor rousing debate. Let all contenders bring forth their best arguments. Let each voice take a turn behind the podium. But I don’t favor being required to pay for my opposition’s time at the microphone. Like many Coloradoan readers, … Continue reading
Even Mr. Can Do himself, the president, had to acknowledge last week that health-care reform might die in Congress. The placard-waivers on the corner of College and Mulberry are celebrating, but other than the thrill of tweaking their rivals, do … Continue reading
Over the past few weeks, these op-ed pages have been ablaze with debate over health-care reform, with opinion severely polarized, from single-payer system on one extreme to “government keep out!” on the other. While consumers can agree on the objective: … Continue reading
Most economists agree that the key to sustained increases in standard of living and prosperity is productivity, constantly becoming more efficient in our offices, factories and with everyday tasks. I’ve lately felt bombarded by a mainstay of American life that … Continue reading
My mind was racing this past Saturday, keeping pace with my bike as I made what might be my last two-wheeled trip into town without a jacket. Change is in the air, and not just with the weather. I’d been … Continue reading
When I read Marilyn Musgrave’s June 12 Soapbox (“Fueling solutions to high prices”) in the Coloradoan, I imagined a scene. Uncle Sam, representing all Americans, straddles two chairs at the all-you-can-eat Energy Buffet. He’s gorging himself on hard-boiled Hemis, charbroiled … Continue reading
Did you have a nice holiday? How did it rate on a scale of one to five? Joined by relatives? How would you rate them? Have you noticed lately how often we’re asked to broad-brush complex answers with a simple … Continue reading
For months I’ve been trying to form a viewpoint on immigration reform. I haven’t gotten there yet. Have any of you readers embraced your favorite solution to the dilemma? Walls, deportation, assimilation, status quo or what? With the shelving last … Continue reading
I’m writing this before Election Day, but you are reading this after the big event. Perhaps now you know what Colorado is going to do about gay people. Will the Colorado Constitution prevent their marriage? Will Colorado statutes now address … Continue reading