The Coloradoan reported recently on the state of recycling in Fort Collins. This statement summed it up: “Given recent pushes to increase local recycling efforts, having that much paper piling up at the landfill was surprising.” My 12-year-old daughter reflected … Continue reading
For months I’ve been trying to form a viewpoint on immigration reform. I haven’t gotten there yet. Have any of you readers embraced your favorite solution to the dilemma? Walls, deportation, assimilation, status quo or what? With the shelving last … Continue reading
Today’s editorial is about editorials and editorialists. Sara Hoffman, a regular for this community column, is moving on to greener pastures, we presume. I will miss her columns, not simply because I agree with most of her perspectives, but because … Continue reading
You’ve got to keep an eye on the news, because great things are happening daily. Just a few days ago, I was all atwitter to hear about new legislation that would make us safer. After all, Colorado’s been on the … Continue reading
This past Tuesday evening something hopeful and energizing took place. Fort Collins took an important step forward toward protecting our children and their children. In the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore makes a stunningly convincing case for combating global … Continue reading
I’ve been stewing about this column. Just weeks away from a huge election, and so many important decisions on the table. For an editorial columnist, it’s like issue smorgasbord. Can’t eat just one, so I’ll gorge myself on multiple topics, … Continue reading
I’m writing this on September 11 when America is completely united, if only in remembering. The impact of this date hovers in the air like a thick fog. All but little kids have vivid memories from five years ago. I … Continue reading
Fort Collins is going to be branded. The objective is to send a consistent message to the world beyond why Fort Collins is a fantastic destination. Some might consider this a silly exercise. Shouldn’t a great city sell itself? Do … Continue reading
Can North College Avenue improve without sacrificing its local character? When I first heard of city plans to further develop North College, I thought great. I work in Old Town and drive north every evening from Vine to Willow, past … Continue reading