When I saw Cory Gardner’s attack ad on TV, I decided that my last column before Election Day would cover either the depraved state of Colorado campaigning or anything other than Colorado politics. But then I passed a towering billboard … Continue reading
With the first breach of 60-degree weather, I succumbed to the pang that had been growing inside throughout this oppressive winter and hopped on my bike. I clicked my helmet strap and entered the roadway. But with each car zooming … Continue reading
Even Mr. Can Do himself, the president, had to acknowledge last week that health-care reform might die in Congress. The placard-waivers on the corner of College and Mulberry are celebrating, but other than the thrill of tweaking their rivals, do … Continue reading
Brace yourself for swine flu, not because it’s more dangerous than traditional influenza, but because perceptions of its danger are feverishly high It’s understandable. None of us will forget when we first heard of a mysterious new flu emerging in … Continue reading
Over the past few weeks, these op-ed pages have been ablaze with debate over health-care reform, with opinion severely polarized, from single-payer system on one extreme to “government keep out!” on the other. While consumers can agree on the objective: … Continue reading
It’s the “ing” season: shopping, wrapping, shipping, driving, receiving, thanking, etc. It’s also the Complexity Season. Actually, the season lasts all year, but the holidays seem to crank up the dial. I’ve got this theory, and I’m interested in your … Continue reading
My wife and I were in the car when the radio announced the news, and we were impressed. After all, her side of the family has suffered from that terrible form of cancer. A vaccine had been proven 100% effective … Continue reading
While driving north on College Avenue on a recent Saturday, I spied the opposing armies as I approached Mulberry Street. On the right, the pro-war/pro-President Bush contingent waved American flags and signs reading “Support our troops.” On the left, the … Continue reading