With my usual polarizing commentary taking a short vacation, I’m inviting all readers to join me on a bike ride along one of Fort Collins’ greatest attractions, our super trail system. So, if you are unable to ride, too busy … Continue reading
This past Tuesday evening something hopeful and energizing took place. Fort Collins took an important step forward toward protecting our children and their children. In the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore makes a stunningly convincing case for combating global … Continue reading
While driving north on College Avenue on a recent Saturday, I spied the opposing armies as I approached Mulberry Street. On the right, the pro-war/pro-President Bush contingent waved American flags and signs reading “Support our troops.” On the left, the … Continue reading
With government spying on American citizens, deafening rhetoric blaming immigrants for every ill, talk of attacking Iran and the country facing $8.3 trillion in debt, sometimes it’s best to close your eyes, cover your ears, pinch your nose and take … Continue reading