With this month’s column, please allow me to revisit four topics from 2014 because so much has changed. Early in the year, I commented on how CVS’s 7,600 U.S. stores would no longer sell tobacco products. Skeptics railed at the … Continue reading
Fort Collins did it right with MAX, our foray into serious, bigger-city public transportation, even though I had doubts when I first heard of the $87 million deluxe light-rail-like bus line. I returned this weekend from an inadvertent global tour … Continue reading
I favor rousing debate. Let all contenders bring forth their best arguments. Let each voice take a turn behind the podium. But I don’t favor being required to pay for my opposition’s time at the microphone. Like many Coloradoan readers, … Continue reading
Greetings from multiple stops between Colorado and Lake Michigan. Vacationing by minivan, we’re experiencing firsthand the new meaning of highway robbery. Beyond the shock of $200 pumped in one day of cross-country cruising, I’ve witnessed a surprising consequence of fantastic … Continue reading
When I read Marilyn Musgrave’s June 12 Soapbox (“Fueling solutions to high prices”) in the Coloradoan, I imagined a scene. Uncle Sam, representing all Americans, straddles two chairs at the all-you-can-eat Energy Buffet. He’s gorging himself on hard-boiled Hemis, charbroiled … Continue reading
Many of today’s challenges originate with our insatiable desire for more. More farmland for development, more horsepower, more healthcare, more oil, more lanes and, top of the news, more water. As I stop-and-go through another I-25 construction zone, ever-present since … Continue reading
As a marketeer by trade, I’m hypersensitive to hype. We dish it out, so we recognize it being served up, including the good, bad and shady. Lately it’s getting harder to remember, is “hype” short for hyperbole or hypocrisy? Take … Continue reading
I have a few idle thoughts. Idling thoughts, to be specific. To idle, or not to idle, that is the question – at least in this town where you have a fair chance each day of stopping to wait for … Continue reading
The great garbage hauling debate cuts to the core of what separates progressives from conservatives. It asks what better serves the community: haulers duking it out free enterprise style, or some form of city oversight. A proposed study before City … Continue reading
The Coloradoan reported recently on the state of recycling in Fort Collins. This statement summed it up: “Given recent pushes to increase local recycling efforts, having that much paper piling up at the landfill was surprising.” My 12-year-old daughter reflected … Continue reading